Tuesday 4 June 2013


I don't even know how long it's been since I slept properly. I can't remember. All I know is that I have a constant headache that nothing shifts, and I keep yawning. I managed to catch forty minutes this afternoon, I know that much. I slept from 11:15-11:50. Give or take a few minutes, that is. It's weird, though, how refreshing a mere forty minutes was. I think i've been more or less awake for the last five days, not counting the odd hour here and there. Never a sustained sleep, though.

I was weirdly hysterical this morning. I made plans to hang out with Bambi after her appointment at the doctors, and when I couldn't do it, I just kept apologising. I genuinely felt horrible because I really had tried to sleep so that I could spend time with her, that's where the forty minutes came from. It really upset me :/

In happier news, my brother and his girlfriend got engaged last night. She's from Russia, so i'm not sure where they're having it. I hope they have it here, though. I would totally find a way to help pay for her families flights; I wouldn't be able to go over to Russia because of Damien - he doesn't have a passport yet and there are still a lot of custody issues which need resolving. It's really kind of irritating, the paper barricade in the way of me taking my son on holiday.

Anyway, Lisha just got home with snacks. Byeee.

Kat xXx

Sunday 2 June 2013

Spots And Scratches

Well, that day is finally here. My six year old son officially has the dreaded chicken pox. They seem to be clustering around his mouth, mostly, though they are all over his body. He's doused in calamine lotion, which i've avoided putting on his face as it dries the skin out. I think it's a necessary evil to have it on his body, even if it scars. The skin there is more robust, so even if he has immediate scars, they shouldn't follow him into adulthood, especially as they'd get smaller with time. For example, I once dropped melted plastic on to my knuckle, and it melted a large patch of my skin. That's now just a little pinprick scar. Oh, sidenote.. (i do that a lot), I also once had two triangle cuts on the back of my hand which took up most of the skin there. I now have two small triangle scars. They're pretty funky (:

But, that aside.. i've finally slept! I still feel tired, but my eyes don't feel like they're rolling back. I really need to figure out this whole sleep thing, lol. Why is it that sleeping is such a simple thing when you're a kid, but not so much when you're an adult? I would love to get a solid five or six hours a night, never mind the recommended 7-8. I guess i'm just too busy!

Medical things out the way, i've decided not to start my trial of the benefit products yet. With Damien as he is, I don't think that i'd be able to focus on it as much as i should do. One thing I will say, though, is that the Porefessional cream came with an additional tester thing, which was like the kind you get in magazines - I tried it on my own skin and it looked great, but the real surprise was when I tried it on my housemate's face. She would claim her pores on her face are her number one most hated feature, and as soon as I put it on her, the pores were almost invisible. In that kind of wow, what a difference! way. I can safely say that, with the right foundation on top of the Porefessional cream, you wouldn't even be able to tell she had issues with her pores.

Needless to say, i'm definitely going to be buying two bottles of Porefessional by Benefit. Four thumbs up from my housemate and I.

As soon as Damien's feeling a bit better, i'll get to reviewing the other products and will do a whole blog feature on them.

Peace out, strangelings.

Kat xXx

Saturday 1 June 2013

Hey, Folks!

Well, hey. Welcome to my first blog on here, though possibly not the first time you've heard of me. You see, the trouble with me is that you can't get rid of me. You want to listen to music? HELLO! I'm a musician, nice to meet you. You want to go shopping? HELLO! I make jewellery, would you like a custom order? You want to geek out? HI AGAIN! Will that be text based roleplaying, MMORPG, or a good old psychological or political debate?

You see, I really enjoy having varied pursuits. I'm also a mother, and my son is incredibly intelligent, especially with numbers - I don't know where he gets that from, really. Maths and numbers in general are my kryptonite! 

So, if you're not sick of me already, i'd love it if you took the time to become involved in my blog. I'm going to be doing a whole lot of things, from posting links to my business vlogs (yeah, i'm on youtube too. I'm really sorry!), to doing occasional make up and fashion trend reviews. I spend a lot of time watching trends for my jewellery business, and it keeps me up to date on fashion too. That DOESN'T mean I always follow it. I have my own style, but sometimes something will come up that I just can't resist. Like skulls.

At the time of writing, i have purple and blue hair (kind of half and half, literally), and just got my second tattoo done yesterday. Hurrah! He's a fennec fox, which I will explain in later blogs.

So, to let you know what i've got coming up - I'm doing a tester run of Benefit makeup samples I was given to review for my business vlogs, that's going to be put in here. I'm also going to review a lipstick and a hand cream from Body Shop and give my views on the current and upcoming fashion trends, from clothes to accessories. I'll also let you know what's going on in my life, take part in tags (because they're fun!) and basically do lots of random things. (:

Nice to meet you all, hope to see you on my next entry.

Houston, we have lift off.

Kat xXx